Objectives: Precision agriculture enables farmers to produce better (i.e. improve agriculture’s environmental performance) and more (i.e. improve economic performance) because it combines agronomy, ecology and technology. Throughout the consulting service, the use of new decision-support technologies to observe crops enables farmers to meet these new challenges. In this context, the aim of the Drones Grandes Cultures (field crop drones) project is to develop a long-range drone imaging system as well as image-processing algorithms and associated agronomic models in order to provide information for decision-support tools that are needed in the implementation of precision agriculture on the major crops of wheat, maize, sunflowers and rapeseed. This is to provide a comprehensive consulting service to find solutions for issues such as fertilisation, weeding, irrigation and yield forecasting on various crops.

Group representative(s): Ovalie Innovation, Plant Production of Vivadour and Maïsadour

Corporate partner(s): Terres du Sud, Arterris Innovation, InVivo, Delair-Tech

Research partner(s): Arvalis Institut du végétal, TERRE INOVIA, INRA Avignon, LAAS

Project duration: April 2015 to April 2019

Competitive cluster certification: Agri-SudOuest Innovation, Aérospace Valley


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