Objectives: The development of methanisation raises issues on the management of by-products (the digestate) and the profitability of facilities. VALODIM (Valorisation Optimal des DIgestats de Méthanisation or optimal recovery of methanisation digestates) works to resolve these two issues simultaneously by providing technologies that will enable methaniser operators and cooperatives to better recover the fertilising value from digestates for a win-win result: the profitability of the methanisation unit on the one hand and the compatibility of the fertilisers with local farming methods on the other.

Group representative(s): Ovalie Innovation

Economic partner(s): Arterris-Innovation, Cap Seine, Union des Distilleries de la Méditérannée, Vivescia, Fertigaz

Corporate partner(s): Laas-CNRS, CESBIO

Research partner(s): INSA Toulouse, UTC Compiègne, Irstea

Project duration: 2014 to 2019

Competitive cluster certification: Agri-SudOuest Innovation, Industrie et Agroressources, Quali méditérannée