Winner at the 2015 cooperative initiative competition This project won the Gold Prize at the 2015 Cooperative Initiative Trophy awards in the « Environmental Protection » category, a fine reward for two years of research on an ecological programme to combat mealworm....

FRAIS D’ICI (fresh from here)

Objectives: Consumers are changing the way they purchase and consume, moving towards more local products which originate close to the point of purchase and thus feature a clearly identified local origin on the packaging. This is the local food movement. Agricultural...

FARINES D’INSECTES (insect meal)

Objectives: The search for new sources of protein is an important issue for the future of livestock feed. With this in mind, the project partners are assessing the potential of products derived from insects turned into meal, which can be formulated into new feed....


Objectives: Végéplast, a spin-off of the Vivadour Group based in Tarbes, has been studying the recovery of agricultural and food-processing by-products into bioplastics for a number of years now. The aim of this project is to use the tremendous potential of...


Objectives: The development of methanisation raises issues on the management of by-products (the digestate) and the profitability of facilities. VALODIM (Valorisation Optimal des DIgestats de Méthanisation or optimal recovery of methanisation digestates) works to...